Problem Identifier Unit Screen//v.w/ RR Template Ants

Ants are present in the house. Trails of ants may be seen crawling on floors, walls, baseboards, and counters, and in cupboards. They are generally most troublesome in the kitchen or pantry.

A number of species of ants invade households. Most ants are strongly attracted to sweets, starches, fats, and grains, and invade households in order to carry these foods back to their nests. Adverse outdoor conditions, such as flooding or drought, may cause ants to move their nests or colonies into buildings. Ant colonies are often built underground in the garden, but may also be found under flooring and in building foundations, wall partitions, attics, and other protected locations. The colonies may contain from several hundred to several thousand individuals. Ant colonies may be located by following the established ant trails to their source. For more information about ants, see Ants, Fire Ants.

Destroy ant colonies by dusting with ORTHO Ant-Stop Ant Killer Dust or by spraying the nests and ant trails with ORTHO Home & Garden Insect Killer--Formula II, ORTHO Home Pest Insect Control, or ORTHO ANT-STOP Ant Killer Spray. Eliminate ant colonies from the garden by treating the anthills with ORTHO Diazinon Granules or spraying the nests and surrounding soil with ORTHO Diazinon PLUS Insect Spray. Store food in sealed containers, and keep kitchens and pantries free of exposed foods. Place ORTHO ANT-STOP Ant Killer Bait in areas where ants have been observed.